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Vikings The Saga MOD APK 1.0.32 Unlimited Crystals Terbaru Android 2018

Vikings The Saga MOD APK
Free Download Vikings The Saga MOD APK 1.0.32 Unlimited Crystals Terbaru Android 2018: Hai sobat semuanya sekarang ini Admin akan kembali lagi dalam membagikan kepada sobat semuanya tentang game android Vikings The Saga MOD Offline yang bisa sobat dapatkan di Jembersantri.Id. Ketika kalian semuanya ingin bermain digame ini caranya sangat mudah sekali tinggal mengikuti sebuah yang sudah ada didalam permainan.
Di permainan Vikings The Saga MOD Terbaru ini sobat harus menjelajahi ditempat yang berbeda dan permainan ini menggunakan sebuah kartu yang digunakan dimana kartu tersebut berasal dari hadiah yang sobat dapatkan ketika memenangkan permainan tingkatan level tersebut.
Seperti yang sobat ketahui bahwa semakin sobat menjelajahi tempat level tinggi maka semakin terlihat pula dengan kecepatan hero musuh yang harus sobat bunuh.
Pokoknya kalau sobat bermain digame ini tidak perlu menggunakan akses internet cukup bermain sepuasnya dimana saja sobat berada tersebut.
Milikilah berbagai kartu yang akan sobat mainkan agar bisa mengalahkan semuanya musuh yang ada ditempat yang berbeda-beda.


Vikings The Saga MOD APK
Vikings The Saga MOD APK
Vikings The Saga MOD APK

Informasi Game:
  • Versi: 1.0.32
  • Genre : Strategi
  • Ukuran: 89.71 Mb
  • Mode: OFFLINE
  • Requires Android: 4.0 and Up 
  • More Info : Google play
  • Hack Mod: Unlimited Crystals(Increases when spend)
Download yang lainnya:
Cara Install:
  1. Download Vikings The Saga Mod Apknya
  2. Masuk ke Setting / Security / Centang Unknown Source
  3. Instal Apk nya sampai selesai
  4. Mainkan Game nya.

Link Download:

Jurassic World Alive MOD APK 1.4.11 For Android Update Terbaru (Infinite Battery)

Jurassic World Alive MOD APK
Free Download Jurassic World Alive MOD APK 1.4.11 For Android Update Terbaru (Infinite Battery): Pada malam ini saya akan berbagi game android terbaru yang akan kembali lagi untuk menghibur sobat semuanya, terutama game android Jurassic World Alive APK Mod GO Android dengan menceritakan yang telah melarikan diri dari pulau pindah ke kota bebas dan sobat harus mencari dimana letak keberadaan Dinosaurus dengan menggunakan ponsel android sobat.
Melacak binatang besar untuk menyelamatkan dari kepunahan binatang Dinosaurus itu harus dilindungi agar semua binatang hidup dalam lingkungannya masing-masing jadi sobat akan jelajahi disetiap kota yang sudah terlacak keberadaan binatang tersebut.
Sobat akan jelajahi dunia berbasis teknologi menggunakan lokasi maps android untuk menemukan binatang dinosaurus di peta dan sobat akan menemukan spesies dinosaurus yang bermacam-macam serta berbentuk yang berbeda-beda.

Sekarang game ini telah menjadi Jurassic World Alive Mod untuk memudahkan sobat dalam menjalankan permainan, versi Mod ini ada fitur tambahan sendiri seperti Baterai Tak Terbatas yang akan sobat temukan di permainan satu ini.


Jurassic World Alive MOD APK
Jurassic World Alive MOD APK

Informasi Game:
  • Versi: 1.4.11 
  • Genre : Simulasi
  • Ukuran: 43.59 MB
  • Mode: ONLINE
  • Requires Android: 4.4 and Up
  • More Info : Google Play

Hack Mod:

  1. Infinite Battery
  2. VIP Enabled.

MOD and Instructions Provided by RoyalGamer

  1. Install Jurassic World Alive MOD APK and Enjoy Unlimited Battery MODE.
  2. Now if you want to add Joystick Button to move your character in game then Install FLYGPS as well.
  3. Now Open FlyGPS and give it Location permission and when it starts it will ask you to enable Mock Location. so Click on Settings it will redirect you to Mock Location settings. from there select Mock Location and Select FLYGPS in there.
  4. Now In FlyGPS you will see your location. Tap on it and select START MOVING GPS LOCATION and its done. now Joystick button will appear on your screen.
  5. Head back to Jurassic World Alive MOD APK (By RoyalGamer) and use Joystick button to move on the MAP.
  6. If you face LOCATION OR GPS ERROR then click on your DINOSAUR COLLECTION MENU and click on any dinosaur then click on MAP again. now MAP will Load and you will be able to roam with Joystick Button.

Link Download:

Duels MOD APK 0.2.1 Unlimited Keys Update Terbaru Gratis 2018


Free Download Duels MOD APK 0.2.1 Unlimited Keys Update Terbaru Gratis 2018: Hallo sobat pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan kepada sobat semuanya sebuah game android terbaru tentang sebuah duel permainan untuk menjadi yg terhebat sekali. Pertarungan ini sobat akan mempunyai kekuatan berbeda-beda dalam mengalahkan yang dihadapinya.

Setiap hero itu sudah ada kekuatan yang telihat dan Heronya mempunyai berbagai bentuk jenius sekali serta sobat harus meng-Update menjadikan hero menjadi bentuk sangpnedakar handal tidak terkalahkan oleh musuh siapapun.
Bermain Duels MOD Terbaru dipermainan terbaru ini sangatlah seru sekali, Apalagi pertarungan ini harus membuat strategi penyerangan terhadap musuh agar bisa terkalahkan dengan mudah sekali.

Sobat kalau mau bermain digame ini harus mempunyai tipe android Os 4.0 (Jelly Bean) agar bisa supprot dalam bermain dan ketika sobat menjalankan permainan janganlah lupa untuk mempunyai akses internet karena game ini bermain secara Online.



Informasi Game:

  • Versi: 0.2.1
  • Genre : Arcade
  • Ukuran: 90.28 Mb
  • Mode: ONLINE
  • Requires Android: 4.0 and Up 
  • More Info : Google play

Hack Mod:

  • Unlimited Keys(Still Limited)
  • Upgraded Character

Download yang lainnya:

Cara Install:

  1. Download Duels Mod Apknya
  2. Masuk ke Setting / Security / Centang Unknown Source
  3. Instal Apk nya sampai selesai
  4. Mainkan Game nya.

Link Download:

Cover Fire shooting games 1.8.25 Mod Apk Data Terbaru For Android (Unlimited Money VIP)

Cover Fire shooting games v1.8.2 Mod Apk Data
Free Download Cover Fire MOD APK 1.8.25 Unlimited Money VIP Android Terbaru | Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akn kembali lagi membagi sebuah game petualangan yang sangat populer sekali permainan tersebut bernama Cover Fire MOD APK Android. Sebuah permainan pahlawan dengan melawan musuh yang menyerang dengan menggunakan strategi yang mempunyai misi harus diselesaikan. Misi tersebut mempunyai rintangan yang sangat menegangkan sekali sampai pahlawan sobat harus membawa senjata yang sudah dimodifikasi maka dari itulah sobat harus pengalaman dalam pertempuran persenjataan.
Untuk bermain digame ini sobat tidak perlu menggunakan akses internet lagi karena game ini telah di Hack oleh devaloper yang sangat terkenal sekali. Sehingga sobat tidak perlu menggunakan data diponsel android sobat dan bisa bermain dimana saja setelah sobat download game yang sudah dimod hack ini selain itu juga sobat bisa bermain sepuasnya tanpa ada kendala apapun dalam bermain.
Tambahan Unlimited Money/VIP ini akan mebantu sobat untuk membeli sebuah item-item yang sobat inginkan dengan mudah serta bisa juga dalam membeli senjata yang sobat perlukan tersebut. pastinya permainan ini sangat seru sekali sobat untuk dicobak bermain.
Features Of Cover Fire MOD:
  • High Velocity TPS Battles
  • Unique Gameplay
  • Great looking graphics
  • Varieties of weapons to choose from
  • Detailed Maps and graphics
  • Huge boss battles to tackle
  • Huge rewards for each levels
  • So many exciting levels to complete.


Cover Fire MOD APK 1.7.15 Unlimited Money VIP Android Terbaru For
Cover Fire MOD APK 1.7.15 Unlimited Money VIP Android Terbaru For
Cover Fire MOD APK 1.7.15 Unlimited Money VIP Android Terbaru For

Informasi Game:
  • Versi: 1.8.2
  • Genre : Action
  • Ukuran: 367.1 MB
  • Mode: Offline
  • Requires Android: 4.1 and Up 
  • More Info : Google play
  • Hack Mod: Unlimited Money/VIP

Download yang lainnya:

Link Download:

DEAD TRIGGER 2 MOD APK 1.5.0 Zombie Shooter Terbaru 2017 (Infinite Ammo)

Free Download DEAD TRIGGER 2 MOD APK 1.5.0 Zombie Shooter Terbaru 2017 (Infinite Ammo): Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan kepada sobat semuanya sebuah game terbaru yang bernama DEAD TRIGGER 2 MOD APK. Game ini merupakan sebuah petualangan untuk membunuh sebuah zombie yang sedang ada disebuah kotanya pahlawan sobat. para zombie tersebut sekarang telang berkeliaran dimana-mana sehingga sobat harus membunuh mereka semuanya dan bisa menyelematkan seseorang masih hidup didalam kota tersebut. Sobat nantinya akan menjelajahi sebuah 33 lingkungan yang unik serta sobat akan dikasih sebuah berbagai senjata untuk menghadapi para zombie yang ada. didalam permainan ini sobat akan selami sebuah aksi seperti skenario permainan, termasuk Solo Campaign, Global Mission and Side Quests. Prestasi lengkap, hancurkan tantangan dan dapatkan mata uang dalam game eksklusif. membuat sebuah pertamainan sobat menjadi lebih menyenangkan dengan aksi tersebut.
Sebuah Game ini akan membuat sobat tertarik dengan memiliki sebuah kualitas grafis yang sangat bagus sekali dengan menjelajahi sebuah tingkatan yang ada dan tempat yang sobat jelajahi tersebut sangatlah misterius sekali begitu juga dengan para zombie dikota tersebut berkembang menjadi besar sekali jadi sobat harus berhati-hati dalam menghadapinya dan game ini mempunyai sebuah fitur-fitur sangat bagus yang mendukung sekali dalam permaian.



Informasi Game:

  • Versi: 1.5.0
  • Genre : Action
  • Ukuran: 521.82 Mb
  • Mode: ONLINE
  • Requires Android: 4.1 and Up 
  • More Info : Google play

Hack Mod:

  • Infinite Ammo
  • No Reload
  • No heat Gun
  • Can attack from far away
  • Massive Damage
  • Increase blueprint drop rate.

Download yang lainnya:

Cara Install:

  1. Download DEAD TRIGGER 2 Mod Apknya
  2. Masuk ke Setting / Security / Centang Unknown Source
  3. Instal Apk nya sampai selesai
  4. Mainkan Game nya.

Link Download:

Ceiling Track Lighting as Modern Lamps in Futuristic Interior Design

There are some awesome ceiling track lighting ideas which can increase the room performance. They are applied in the some rooms like kitchen, living room, dining room and etc. Usually, this lamp style is applied into the kitchen. Now we will show you the appearance of the kitchens and the billiard room which apply this lamp design. There are many lamp styles here. If you love this lamp design, you can see them through these pictures here.
Here are the pictures of the rooms which apply this lamp model. See the kitchen. This kitchen applies kitchen ceiling track lighting. These are created with silver lampshade with stainless stick. Under this lamp is the black cabinet with glossy countertop. There are some colorful cafe chairs next to the cabinet. It is modern kitchen. They stand on the oak flooring. See the next kitchen. The lamp is designed with white lampshade. The cabinet is designed with black countertop. There are sink and faucet on this cabinet.
Then, the next kitchen is designed in simple concept. The wooden storage and wooden cabinet are applied in this kitchen. The cabinet is designed with white marble countertop. This cabinet is designed with double bowl sink and stainless faucet. In the drawer, you can put the books in that cabinet. These are standing above the oak flooring. Above the cabinet are the lamps. They are orange lampshades.
The next room is the billiard room. The billiard is designed with some furniture designs. The wooden billiard room stands in the middle of the room. Above the billiard are the glass lamp bulbs. There are some brown armchairs around this billiard. In front of the armchairs is the wooden table. There is fireplace in this room. This is designed by glass fireplace screen. This is one of drop ceiling track lighting models with great inspiration design.

Log Table as Nature Wood Furniture for Contemporary Home Design

If you love wooden home, you need to apply some nature wood furniture designs such as log table into your house. They can increase the performance of your house. If you feel confuse to design your house, you can get some references about good wooden houses. One of them can be seen here. We will give you the interior and exterior home performances. There are some rooms which are showed in this page. Absolutely you can get many references because these pictures come from many rooms.

These are some pictures of the interior and exterior house pictures. They apply wood nature modern furniture designs with log table legs. See the bathroom here. The walk in shower room is designed is separated with glass door. Next to this shower room is the wooden cupboard. There are some drawers in this cupboard. See the bedroom then. This bedroom is designed with some furniture designs. They are white bed with wooden headboard frame. In the right and left sides of the bed is the wooden desk. There is lamp on the desk which is created with white lamp holder and white lampshade.
The next wooden furniture designs are applied in the dining room. There are wooden table and wooden chairs in this room. They are standing on the classy pattern carpet. Then, there is white storage adheres on the wall. The storage is created with glass storage door. Then, see the open room. There is brown sleeper sofa and wooden table stand as furniture designs in the living. Next to this living is dining table set.
We have seen the performances of the interior designs. Now, see the performance of exterior home design. On the table is candle holder. The wooden armchairs and wooden table stand on the grey flooring on the porch. They are fancy log table furniture for interior and exterior home designs.

Umbrella Table with Patio Furniture for Modern Outdoor Living Space

This time, we will give special performance of umbrella table. There are kind of special furniture designs. They can create lovely rooms. They can be applied into interior and exterior home performances. Do you want to see these lovely rooms to increase your room performance? If the answer is yes, you can see these pictures here. They are very beautiful rooms. Absolutely, they are so cheerful and wonderful. Please take a look for these pictures to get more detail.

These are the pictures which we are talking about. See, the room is designed in the living room. This room has blue bed. There are some blue pillows on this bed. It is comfortable bed for kids. This room has glass windows. This room is decorated with white wall and oak flooring. This room has one of beautiful umbrella table decorations in the world. See the bedroom then. The bed is created with white bed, flower pattern, pattern pillows and white headboard.
See the performance of the lovely living room. This is designed with white armchairs with white pillows. In front of them are the wooden tables. In the corner of the room is small table. There are beautiful flowers on the glass vase. In front of them is the white storage. In the middle of the storage is television screen. This room is designed with oak ceiling. This room has unique lampshade with candles in the inside.
Let’s see the performance of the share bedroom. The white beds stand in the corner of the room. These beds are designed with flower pattern blanket. There are some cute pattern pillows. Then, this room is designed with flower wallpaper. Then, the next room is living for the girl. The pink corner sofa stands on the super soft white feather carpet. This room is decorated with blue wall. The last picture shows umbrella table stands with natural sensation.

Overburden strata failure due to mining

China has developed some specific methods of coal mining and experimental techniques under aquifers and surface water. Over the last 40 years, about 1000 longwall faces were extracted under surface and ground water, liberating millions of tons of coal reserves without disastrous consequences. Since coal extraction enhances hydraulic conductivity, it is desirable to determine accurately pre- and post-mining hydraulic conductivities in the overburden strata. To measure these conductivities, boreholes are drilled pre- and post-mining either on the surface or in underground observing roadways. The flow rate or circulation loss along the borehole during drilling is measured by pumping drilling mud into the borehole. Well logs are also applicable for the determination of mining induced fractures and permeability changes (Peng et al. 2002a).
In general, two failure zones that affect strata hydraulic conductivity are formed overlying the mined area: a caved zone and a water-conducting fractured zone (Liu et al. 1981, Zhang and Shen 2004). For mining under aquifers, the water-conducting fractured zone is more interesting, since it provides access for water inflow into the mine workings because of hydraulic conductivity enhancement in this zone. From in-situ testing of borehole flow rate, the water-conducting fractured zone can be divided into the following three subzones (Fig. 9.1):

(1) Slightly fractured subzone. Only little fractures are induced in the strata. Compared to the original strata, hydraulic conductivity in this zone increases slightly. The fluid circulation loss rates in the observing borehole are less than 0.1 l/s m;
(2) Moderately fractured subzone. The strata only have partial bed separations and fractures. Hydraulic conductivity in the strata increases moderately. The circulation loss rates are between 0.1 and 1.0 l/s m;
(3) Severely fractured subzone. Most of the strata have been fractured, and the fractures are interconnected. Hydraulic conductivity in the strata increases dramatically. The circulation loss rates are greater than 1.0 l/s m.
Field observations by circulation loss measurements in boreholes while drilling have shown that the strata failure characteristics differ considerably for different inclinations of the extracted seams. For flat or slightly inclined coal seams (the dip angle, D < 30q), the profile of the water-conducting fractured zone is broad in section with extended lobes over the headgate and tailgate, as shown in Fig. 9.2. For strong rocks, the failure zone has a different characteristic, as shown in Fig. 9.3, which is that the failure zones are much higher in the vertical direction and narrower in section.
For inclined coal seams (30q
A considerable number of in-situ observations have shown that heights of strata caved and fractured zones in the overburden formation depend primarily on the lithology and strength of the overlying strata, as well as the inclination of the extracted seam. The following formulae have been obtained according to in-situ observations in thousands of longwall faces (Liu et al. 1981, Bai and Elsworth 1990, Zhang and Shen 2004).

For mining under aquifers, it is desirable to avoid the extra expense of strata dewatering. This can only be achieved when aquifers are located outside the water-conducting fractured zone. In this case, water inflow into the mine workings does not increase. When an aquifer lies within the fractured zone, but outside the caved zone, excessive groundwater discharge to the mine occurs (according to the mining experiences in China); however, the sand in the unconsolidated aquifer does not flow into the mining area. When an unconsolidated aquifer is situated within the caved zone, both water and sand can rush into the mining area, and this may even cause disastrous consequences, if the aquifer is very permeable and strongly waterbearing.
The Daliuta coal mine, affiliated with the Shenhua Group, is located in ShenFu Coalfield, Northern Shaanxi Province and on the southwestern bank of the Yellow River, Northern China (Fig. 9.7). It is one of the major coal mines in China. This coalfield consists of nearly flat-lying beds of Jurassic coal measure. The thickness of the primary coal seam, No. 2, is approximately 4 m with the roof consisting of medium-grained sandstones. The overlying coal measures are 19 to 65 m in thickness, comprising weak, weathered strata in the uppermost reaches. The bedrock is overlain by unconsolidated alluvium comprising mixed impermeable clay layers with water-bearing sands and gravels. The alluvium is generally 38 to 43.4 m in thickness, in which one aquifer underlies lowermost in the unconsolidated overburden. The total depth of cover for seam No. 2 ranges approximately from 20 to 100 m. Comprehensive mechanized longwall mining with full caving is used in the coal extraction.
The coalfield has a very dry temperate climate and is situated in the southeastern border of the Maowusu Desert. Most of the surface is covered by sand, in which little vegetation exists. The water resource is very precious in this region. Only one perched aquifer in the Quaternary alluvium overlies directly on the coal measure. Therefore, the protection of the water resource and mining safety from groundwater hazards are common concerns of both the mine operator and government.